The TestWarez conference is the largest and the most popular test event in Poland. Throughout the 14th edition, the event gathered a huge group of specialists from all around the world and gained international rank. In October 2019 professionals from Poland and Europe will gather again in one place (this time it will be Hotel Ossa near Warsaw) to get to know the most interesting issues in the field of testing. 

The TestWarez community already has several thousand people and is constantly growing. It is made up of specialists with passion, various levels of experience, open minds and a constant desire to develop, which is why TestWarez is such an excellent opportunity to establish new business contacts.
Our previous Partners stress that TestWarez is the only place in Poland that combines a high level of content with networking discussions and building a network of contacts. If you want to join this group, take a look at our guide and choose the best solution. If you have any questions – we will be happy to help.

PL Offer
Oferta sponsorska TW2019 (448 downloads)
Oferta sponsorska TW2019 - lekka (389 downloads)
Pakiet transferowy (340 downloads)